‘Our Movement’ hosts its next monthly community gathering focused on breaking down external ideas of what dance is within the Latin dance scene and tapping into our bodywise expression through movement. Our community is for womxn, cis women, trans, and gender non-conforming femmes. This gathering will be led by Maria Torres with co-facilitation by Amina and Tere.
We will guide you through finding and bringing your personal “why” to the forefront of your unique dance practice, and learning how to ground into your innate knowledge in any setting, whether that’s the classroom, social dancefloor, or the stage. Together, we will explore how to navigate challenging moments where your “why” may be ignored or compromised. In this process of learning to recognize and express the worth of your individuality, you will find your power and amplify your voice.
Suggested donation: $10. No one turned away for lack of funds. Equal energy exchanges also accepted, such as candles, crystals, drawings, snacks, anything given from the heart. Funds will go to the lead facilitator and to Our Movement’s logistical expenses. Stay tuned for location!